Editorial was naive



Mary Pat Boian: Your Independent editorial for the June 15 issue is naive in the extreme. Nothing to fear in a gay nightclub?  “A sports bar is based on the same idea,” you opine.  Really?

Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a “mental disorder;” and for millennia healthy societies have proscribed it as a perversion not to be celebrated. Why do you think that is, Ms. Boian? Could it be that our society is now on the descendant as mainstream media sources call evil good and good evil? Of course, you are doing your part to usher your readers into the brave new world of a White House aglow with gay colors in celebration of homosexual “marriage” imposed against popular will.

You mention two men kissing as if it were butterflies and sunshine, like a friendly, masculine kiss on each cheek that might happen in another culture. This traditional greeting is not at all the same as the sexual lip-lock that would likely occur at the Pulse –“Orlando’s Premier Gay Nightclub.”  

Yes, “we are all energy” and I, too, recognize “some people have the invisible energy we are attracted to and some have the kind we avoid. Energy is one of the easiest things in the world to change,” you say. But, is it if you are a patron of the Pulse? Especially, if you see God as just a “person in vapor form” with all the ineffectuality that description implies. Celebrating at the Pulse, falling and falling, down, down into an energy well of perversion and lust is to fall into the Abyss. I submit that escape is impossible without respect and recognition of the one Who created us. The Good News is that we can escape that eternal night into the sunshine of His love… if we wholly rely on Him.

Regarding your query about ownership of assault rifles… yes, I do feel safer if individuals, like you and me, own assault rifles. A reasonable argument you may have missed: George Washington said, “Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” The Second Amendment and assault rifles give us a fighting chance should our dangerous servant ever become our fearful master. 

And finally, to address the central question of your editorial: Who’s to blame for the Orlando murders? I agree with you – the devil (a personification of the evil energy that you posit) did it… with cooperation of the intrinsic fallen nature of man. 

Alan Joseph Keck


  1. This testimonial is hateful, thus your personal god is a hateful god, Mr Keck, and it is obvious that you rely not on acceptance and love, but bigotry and bias. Did you learn this from your god? There is not one shred of up-to-date factual evidence or level headed logic in your writing. Don’t quote the Bible here as proof of anything – things have changed a bit since it was written along with higher level thinking minds and attitudes toward humankind. Shame on you.

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