Duty to vote being repressed


This week, newly minted co-chair of Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission, controversial Secretary of State of Kansas Kris Kobach, sent letters to all 50 Secretaries of State. He letter demands complete voter rolls with detailed information including social security numbers, dates of birth and voter history among other non-public information.

Kobach, also known as lawyer to White Supremacists, believes only white people should be able to vote. He agrees with Donald Trumps’s claim about winning the popular vote except for three million illegal voters. Of course, there is no evidence to support this racist lie and Kobach acknowledges he will never find those non-existent frauds.

In 2005, Kobach designed a program to remove “illegal,” i.e. minority voters from the voter rolls. His computer program called Crosscheck is protected by unsecure, free encryption software. Through its use, Kobach has managed to disenfranchise thousands of mostly minority voters in Kansas and other states using his program by claiming they were double registered.

According to the ACLU, Kobach created and manages the notoriously flawed Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck program, which he gives states for free. He admits his flawed program generates “a significant number” of “false positives” and that for every 200 registrations rejected there might be one (1) double state registration.

Of all the names run through Crosscheck over the past 12 years, there were only 119 cases of possible fraud. Now Kobach wants our highly personal information to be run through his program, even though only three items (First/Last Name and Date of Birth) are used in a Crosscheck “match.” So, who wants our highly sensitive information and why?

Twenty-six states have declined to submit to these outrageous demands. Mark Martin, Arkansas Secretary of State, has not enrolled in Crosscheck and says he has not received this letter as yet. The election department in his office, (501) 682-1010, is taking calls on constituent concerns.

While we are celebrating the birth of our Nation and our Constitution, Republicons are working to deny us our fundamental right to vote. Their strategy to win elections is suppress voter opposition, rig electoral maps to favor Republicons, and smear the opponent. The Republicon Party’s only platform has become, “Be Against Anything Democrats Propose.” They are willing to destroy our country to win elections.

Let’s not wait until it’s too late. Call Mark Martin today and let him know that our personal information is ours.