Dropping a Line


Mark Finch with 11 year-old son, Clay Finch, from Kidder. Mo., holding the new state record white bass caught with Johnson Guide Service March 29. We caught big white bass at every spot we fished between Houseman Access and Beaver town with pretty clear water for all the rain we got.

The big female Clay is holding was 20 inches and 5 lbs. and the state record is 5.6 pounds so we were close but no record. Since I am writing this on April 1, April Fools to you .

I feel it’s time to refresh on some of our spring spawning temps since all but the walleye have not spawned yet. Walleye and the whites both go upstream to spawn. Walleye spawn between 45 and 50° so most have spawned, the good thing is they don’t feed much when spawning but make up for it after and are still around and getting their energy back. Guess giving birth is harder on some fish then others.

White bass spawn between 57 to 68°, striped bass 59 – 65° so they both can be found by running very together where stripers are stocked, which is the case on Beaver Lake.

Due to these cold fronts I have not seen 58° water yet on lakes or the rivers here. One day it’s 52° the next is 55°. So both these species are still full of eggs and bacon ready to let them eggs fly.

Oh yes our other fish that go against the current are the biggest in the lake which is the old spoonbill that spawns at 50 – 55°. They can top 100 pounds and be legally snagged from Beaver Dam to the first boat launch 100 yds. below Beaver Dam after April 15.

Don’t worry about the water temp being too warm because the water below the dam is the coldest. Make sure you read the book on this one for it is on the trout waters but this is the type of fishing every teen boy who ever wanted to be a bull rider should try, for it’s a workout that can have good rewards. Find him a 9 – 12 ft. surf or snagging rod with a reel that will hold 30 lb. line, 6 oz. weights for running water and 3 oz. weights for low water. Tied about 18 inches below a big treble snagging hook.

Put all in a 5 gallon bucket along with some extra line and a rod to tie that fish up with and just drop him at the dam, stay this side of the sign throwing towards the dam until he hooks a rock that starts moving downstream. To be courteous to others tell him to holler, “Fish On Lines.”

Oh yes, the bucket also serves as a seat after he wears you out. Till next week get that line wet.