Dropping a Line


Now that’s a lot of bait and fish that did not want to go down around Prairie Creek in Beaver Lake last weekend. Probably pretty full since they just have to open their mouths for the food to swim in.

Notice the depth and water temp. Stripers move slow when the water temps are below 48°.

Should of fished Holiday Island, for the walleye are really turning on from the Island to Houseman Access. Good catches are coming in off the flats heading to Beavertown this week, but as the next full moon gets closer and water temps rise, catching more upriver towards the tailwaters will improve. Trolling crankbaits are a good way to find them, along with the white bass, then drop down a jig or minnow and get that skillet hot.

Remember they have to be over 18 inches to keep. Remember your license. Kids under 16 don’t need one, so take a kid with you on the next sunny day because spring is on the way.

If you’re looking for stripers on Beaver Lake, the water’s 5 ft. higher than normal and a bit muddy south of Hwy. 12 bridge, so best to stay this side since you probably can’t even get a boat under it now.

The Mississippi is flooding and that’s where all our water goes, so I’m expecting a high water spring which is good for all species to have a great spawn this year. I do hope we get through it without it going over the Beaver bridge again.

Boy, I’m ready for March and April to get here. Trips have been slow this winter and I’m ready for some warmer days. My thin blood just does not like the cold and gets worse every year. Not worth getting frost bite again for a payday, but I’m kicking it in gear in March.

Still running my special ‘til the end of February for those who book their 2020 fishing trip now. Knocking off $40 on our striper trips and even throwing in a 3rd person for free this year. Same deal on our Holiday Island trips with $20 off. If you’re flexible you can even book your date later with a 2-week notice. Kids under 16 always free with an adult.

Working hard on getting the store open. We should have it all together before April. This store will be different. All will be disclosed as we get closer to our open date but it is in the city limits and will have unique gifts art, decor, apparel, coffee bar, the red eye shop and also be able to take care of your fishing needs down below with my own tackle and guide service.

I will also be bringing in other guides so we can get you out for all species covering Holiday Island and Beaver tailwaters, Beaver Lake and Lake Leatherwood.

Well, sorry did not have a lot to report this week but it will get better as this winter leaves us so hang in there and start thinking good thoughts of the spring and summer that’s coming, for when the dogwoods bloom, so will we.