Dropping a Line


You never know what you can catch when trapping bait. I am posting this because about 70% of people that see this snake mistake it for a copperhead which it is not. Just a harmless water snake. When you see a copperhead you will know. True bright copper with that triangle head like a rattler. Copperheads are very seldom seen in the water, unlike the water moccasins which also carry poison in their venom.

Well, it looks like our last summer holiday weekend has come and gone and the peace of what fishing is all about will return without having people go by and wave as they give you a 3-foot wave. I did notice more disrespect for others in our waters this weekend than in the past. Like someone dumping a junk boat full of trash and their broken dishwasher right by our bridge here at the Island.

Throwing a beer can in my boat while in a boat stall in the dark. I was in the back of the boat makes me wonder why when a trashcan was right in front of them. Very upsetting when others don’t care and throw trash in our boats and waters that we try to keep clean. If someone did this kind of stuff in their house I don’t think they would be invited back.

So please respect my house and I will yours. This is the Ozarks and a home that many of us love to enjoy without dealing with the trash of others who do not care. 

Well, the fishing is still the same with the water temps holding in the lower 80s, look for most your fish except for sunfish and catfish in the deeper water below 12 feet with the crappie in the standing timber and the bass near the bluffs when the sun is high or on the flats in the cooler hours.

Striper bass on Beaver Lake will remain up here on our end from the dam to Point 5. Search for them trolling or dragging big bait between 30 and 40 feet deep. The cooler water on the Beaver tailwaters can feel like air conditioning on a hot afternoon and you might even come home with a nice stringer of trout.

Be nice to others, help if they need it or holler if they throw their empty bag of chips in the lake as they pass by. Good luck and take a kid fishing.