Dropping a Line


Well, with fishing the weather has a lot to do with just fishing or catching. So here’s a pic from the past. Do you realize we have not seen this in our parts of the woods for a couple years now and with the forecast for February, don’t know if we will see it this year, either. We got one snowstorm last year that left the ground as the sun set. So far this year about the same.

We’re on a two-day cold front, but here’s a bit of what I’m seeing for the last of January and into February. Date. High/Low/Rain: Thursday the 30th, 46/37, 5%.  Friday the 31st, 54/ 41, 42%. Saturday the 1st, 59/51, 20%. Sunday the 2nd, 63/52, 55%. Monday the 3rd, 63/46, 25%. Tuesday the 4th, 52/31, 30%.  Wednesday the 5th, 50/25, 25%.

After that they’re saying our highs between the 40s and 60s all the way up to March 3. I know when they forecast that far down the road it can take a little turn. I also know a 25% percent chance of rain means a 75% chance of no rain.               

That’s also why this time of year we go out with a time to fish when it’s best for us and the fish to be comfortable. Unlike in the summer, sometimes these fish will bust the top any time of day. Top water action for stripers this past week, I have gotten reports from stripers on Beaver Lake busting the top on our end, and in Indian Creek bass are being caught in the back in 15 ft. of water.

If you’re using artificial baits, troll deep divers and carry a top water for the surfacing fish when you see it on top, and a spoon or jig to get down deeper when not.

Most reports from both Beaver and Table Rock are saying crappie are being caught in water no less then 15 ft. with a jig or minnow no deeper then 6 ft. deep. Slow is still the trick with most water temps running between 43° and 46°. With this warmer weather ahead and the daylight getting longer it looks to me like it will just warm up more after this week.

I’m booked Saturday, hope it goes well since it looks like a nice day with the weather being more stable. As far as February goes I’m still wide open and giving my 15% discount for any in the books by February 1 for any date in 2019.

Stay warm the next couple days. But believe your days ahead will be giving you and the fish more signs of spring on the way. Get that tackle ready and I do hope you kids get at least one chance to build that snowman.