Dropping a Line


The moon was brightest thing we saw on the water last Saturday night. We went out in the afternoon thinking that warm wind would turn on the stripers, but it was one of them days when the morning did better then the afternoon. Water temp was 53° to 54°, so it’s not over.

Bait and fish went down to 30 ft. for some reason, then as we pulled off the water when the sun set they came up to 18 ft. With that moon it would of been a good top water night bite.

Crappie can still be caught as shallow as 4 – 8 ft. deep over treetops and shoreline brush. Walleye also like to cruise shallow in cooler water. Trout love it, but for bass and perch look a little deeper.

White bass are being caught on the surface when they come up when not to their liking to hold down about 30 feet as did the stripers on us Saturday. Free fishing advice if you can figure out that sentence.

We still have four gift certificates we’re letting go for $200. Good for the remainder of this year through 2019.

I saw 60s for our high a couple days this week with lows in the 40s. Looks like could be some good fishing days in there. Be safe and carry cell phone this time of year. It is nice not having a lot of boat traffic out there, like it’s all yours. But if you have problems, especially at night, it can be a bit too much all yours.

Enjoy the sun now that the big moon is gone.