Dropping a Line


Chris Balman from Lewisville, Texas, got one for the wall Sunday on Beaver Lake. We got this one on a big shad that he took then ran with like a freight train.

Stripers are still feeding below the thermocline around 30 ft. deep but with the water cooling, we are seeing a lot more moving into that 35 – 50 ft. water. With more rain on the way riding on a cold front it will just get better as the water temp drops into the 70s.

It’s just a few weeks away and we will see more surface activity from the stripers. The top water bite has already improved a lot this last week for largemouth, smallmouth, spotted and white bass. Best time is the first few hours of daylight.

I have also been getting and releasing some big crappie throwing my cast net for shad off the bank in 4 – 6 ft. of water so I might have to just take some minnows and get myself some big slabs for dinner this week since I have a few days open.

Here at the Island, walleye are still being caught off the edge of the flats between here and Beavertown.

Generation from the dam is still drawing a lot of small bait to the top between Beavertown and Houseman Access. The weekdays they move more water and after 3 p.m. is the best time to get on them. Just head upriver till you see the bait on top, then throw whatever you have that resembles a minnow on the surface or below and you should catch some whites along with green bass or maybe a trout or two. Just remember you need a trout stamp if you keep any trout or fish upriver from Houseman to the dam.

Well, that’s all for this week. Hope to see on the water. Get a line wet and enjoy.