Dropping a Line


Summer is for the young. They wait all year for that last bell to ring to head to the fishing and swimming hole. 

Lilly and Morgan Johnson from St. Louis each caught a striper this week to help with dinner. We caught these veryfish in the Point 10 area of Beaver but another fishing buddy caught nine here near the dam yesterday so I believe the drive south is over for a while finally, just took them longer to move up our way back this year.

The bait’s here now so they should stay on our end of the lake till it cools in October.

Look for stripers about 30 feet deep still and your bass and crappie are hanging closer to the middle of the creek arms, down between various 12 – 18 feet deep.

Look for perch close to the shore now and easy to catch. For trout just find a shady spot in the Beaver tail waters.

Well, l better go for now, need to hook an air conditioner to my bait tank. I like to keep bait cool and happy. To keep my people cool and happy, we are now doing striper trips with your choice of 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. or going out at 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. Enjoy the 4th. Be safe and courteous to others and have big fun. 

Johnson Guide Service, fishofexcellence.com (479) 253-2258


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