Dropping a Line


Well, it seems surface temps are too hot for shad to stay active on the hook again, so we got a bait that will get the job done and even go back in the tank if a striper doesn’t grab first.

I introduce you to Mr. Black Salty. This bait was bred just for catching big fish by the biggest minnow farm in the states. Just got these in from Anderson’s Minnow Farm right here in Arkansas. I had more than 200 of these delivered right to my front door thanks to Fed Ex overnight shipping. Bait in a box, funny.

Well, they’re now happy in a 100-gallon tank eating goldfish flakes, and I’m training them to open their mouths for the hook. I look forward to seeing how they do when I go out Friday. Will be hooking some Saturday also if the phone rings.

Better enjoy this springtime weather, summer starts next week. If you missed seeing the spring don’t feel bad because I believe most did, including the fish.

Most female stripers we’ve caught have laid their eggs, but the males are still full of the other half waiting for something too happen. Typical Male.

I think most all our warm water fish that spawn below 68° missed the boat this year. We have come up about 20° in the last four weeks.

Still seeing male bass in 2 – 4 ft. of water waiting on the female to come in who is holding out a little deeper, about 8 – 12 ft. deep, nice and cool thinking silly boy, Typical Female.

Start looking for perch and catfish shallow. Look for crappie out around the 8 – 12 ft. brush. Walleye are liking that 20 – 30 foot water about 18 ft. deep.

Stripers on the points of the big creeks, the main channel bluffs and the flats close to the river channel and being caught from the surface to 28 ft. deep.

For trout just grab a pole and go to the tailwaters where you see some shade. Take some worms, power bait and Minnie marshmallows and you should be having trout or marshmallows for dinner. Till next week enjoy the spring.     


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