Dropping a Line


It is so sweet to now enjoy the sunrise at 60°. The gloves have been put away until October. Freezing fingers are in the past for a while.

We did great on stripers in the Prairie Creek area this week. It seems the floodgates have been open below, so that long drive to the upper end of Beaver Lake is also in the past. It will be muddy and warming fast, and stripers will now start their move north in search of cleaner and cooler water.

They can be found searching from Prairie Creek to the Dam heading to our back door. Look on the flats in the main lake and in the creeks from the mouth as far as you can go.

Water temps are just getting into the 60s on both Beaver and Table Rock, but still running a little cooler here at the Island when the Corps is generating.

Most all our warm water fish are still full of eggs, so your best bet for bass and crappie is to hit the shoreline, fishing in water from 5 – 10 feet deep. You can probably see the male bass on their nest now. If you don’t see two fish, the female is probably holding out a little deeper. 

Anything that looks like a crawdad or minnow should work. As with the stripers, not all whites have spawned yet, so look for them also from the creek mouths all the way to the back.

Well, I have to go for now. It’s warm so get a kid out when you can and let him put a fish in the pan.