Diverse is what the world is



This recent Diversity Weekend was beautiful: many people, lesbians, gay men, children, trans folk, straight people, young and old, wonderful dogs, vendors, people in drag, musicians, speakers, and banners from Eureka’s United Methodists and Episcopal Church.

How good it is that Diversity Weekend allows the celebration of everyone. Thanks to all who have worked so hard for so many years to get rid of bigotry and hate and to live healthy lives as out women and men.

However, our work is not over. At Basin Park, a gay brother told me that someone painted a swastika on a school building in Eureka. We can dismiss this as just the action of one “misguided” bigot; or, we can realize that the present atmosphere encouraged by Trump and the right-wing Republicans loves this defilement.

In Hitler’s world, Jews, socialists, homosexuals, gypsies and anyone who opposed Nazi violence were rounded up and murdered. I am an ally of the Jewish people, a socialist and a lesbian and I strongly oppose the right-wing agenda.

Trella Laughlin