Dissent is a vital force



Wolftoon [ESI 1/5/22]: “My son you have traveled far to learn a simple fact. The pandemic will end when unvaccinated are none, one way or another.”

I have thought on this a long time. This is exactly the opposite of what Americans have been told by the current administration. You know, the ones who have taken our right to free speech unless it is of their view.

How is this not racist? How is this not discrimination?

The definition of discrimination is: 1. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. 2. Recognition and understanding the difference between one thing and another.

Coerced: Now this is another word that comes to my mind when reading this “cartoon.”

Coerce is to compel by force, intimidation or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition.

I thought this administration’s aim under Biden was to “build back better” and instead it has been tearing down history, bankrupting businesses and taking away our rights to make our own personal decisions.

Our public needs to read the Nuremburg laws and understand why they were written.

Sadly, this administration is more about their profits than human rights and life. This is not a one-time vaccine and a booster; this is a shot to take every time they deem it necessary.

I decided to write this because I have the free will to do so. I choose to question what is happening here and in other countries and who are the ones in control and benefitting the most.

Bottom line here – no laws, no borders, no boundaries, no country. Who wins? The people crossing our border illegally without vaccinations or the supremacists, fear mongers, Big Tech? This must stop, separating US All will not work.

Marlene Milunovich