Diamond deception


“What the eyes see, the ears hear, and the mind believes.” – Harry Houdini

Misdirection is a form of deception in which public attention is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another. Misdirection is the foremost requirement of magic and oil pipelines. While everyone worried about oil spills from buried pipes, the present, permanent threat is flash flooding 100-ft. wide easements.

Clear-cutting all trees and vegetation and removing the soil down to bare land, the Plains Channel, equivalent to a 10-lane, 440-mile expressway, is a deadly path for flash floods and soil erosion downstream of the P-way. No soil, no crops, no food. Flood insurance is not available in many counties and does not cover man-made damages.

Pipeline psychopaths

This is a common disease, highly contagious. At the end of the day, these people go home and have nothing to worry about. The evil gene blocks compassion for others; makes it easy to be meaner than a junkyard dog.

Pipelines and fortune cookies

Back in 2013, Plains All-America Pipelines (PAA) saw an opportunity connecting the dots: 1. Shale crude from the Permian Basin, Bakken, and mid-continent regions stored in Cushing, Okla. 2. The Natural State where people believe in private property rights and the tooth fairy. 3. Crude oil export revenues. An opportunity to make a fortune.

The Tooth Fairy may be real. Private property rights are an illusion.

Fortune cookies make sense by adding “in bed.” What you find in the Diamond website makes sense adding “Not!” Example: “Diamond Pipeline LLC is committed to designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the Diamond Pipeline in a safe and reliable manner.” Not!

  1. How much did PAA pay for the 100-ft. construction right of way?

Some people got paid for 35 ft. wide easements, others for 50. No compensation was made for additional land cleared, or for construction roads.

  1. Why did PAA take 100 feet to bury a 20-inch pipeline?

Because they can. Easements are the best real estate deals: perpetual, tax and insurance free, and acquired at fire sale prices.

  1. Why did the USACE grant PAA a Nation Wide Permit?

USACE easements along riverbanks are a new source of income. USACE ignored requests to have PAA move the route upstream of the county water intake. Letters from the Arkansas Department of Health, hundreds of Clarksville County citizens and several Arkansas Representatives, were dismissed. USACE gave PAA all they wanted.

  1. Why did the APSC grant PAA navigation permits for five Arkansas rivers, including the Mississippi?

APSC staff did not want to deal with intervenors. Clarksville got in the door at the last minute hoping to move the route. PAA gave them some cash to go away. With no intervenors, a conditional permit was granted, leaving the door open for an appeal.

Flash floods worse than terrorism

The U.S. Department of Defense knows the facts. “We have a responsibility to prepare for the future. We don’t have the luxury of burying our heads in the sand. DoD must consider the effects of climate change: sea level rise, shifting climate and more frequent and severe weather events and how these effects could impact national security,” said Capt. Dean VanderLey, who oversees Navy infrastructure. Severe floods across the Arkansas, White, and Red River Basins beginning on Dec. 26, 2015, were the most severe in the last 25 years.

What can you do?

The people at highest risk need to take quick, effective legal action. Other people need to provide information, advice, contacts, or contributions to a legal fund. A team of 5-7 people can get it done. Here is an example: “A group of landowners who live within 350 yards of a pipeline that will transport Canadian tar sands oil through Wisconsin to refineries in Illinois is suing Enbridge to force it to carry spill insurance,” WSJ, February 2016. Seven citizens stood up and demanded action.

We demand a professional flood risk assessment for all the route, and a flood fund paid in full by PAA. Construction must be halted pending these issues.


  1. “Psychopaths create a lot of chaos and generally tend to play people off against each other,” Nathan Brooks, a forensic psychologist and the lead researcher of the study said in this report from The Telegraph.

    “For psychopaths, corporate success is a game and they don’t mind if they violate morals. It is about getting where they want in the company and having dominance over others.”


  2. UPDATE: I said pipeline psychopaths “is a common disease, highly contagious.”

    I was thinking of Trump when I wrote it. Psycopaths are not contagious, my apologies. The truth is worse, one out of five CEO’s have the Trump gene. That means, 20 percent of corporate executives. The good news is you may be working for one of the 80 percent Big Wigs who are not psychopaths.

    According to scientific studies, psycopaths have a unique gene, a family trait. When they reach a position of power, they give people permission to be nasty.

    This explains what is happening with the presidential election. The Trump gene is likely to be present in Ivanka and his sons. They should be kept from holding a public office. This is not the Family Feud.

    KKK, and all the racists,haters and other nasty people, aroused by the T guy, have no excuse. Their hate was in their hearts all along.

    Again, my apologies. You only have to worry for 20 percent of Execs.


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