Destroying people 101



We are having the warmest winter in Arkansas that I can ever remember, and yet, Donald Trump has nominated Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier to run the EPA. What kind of absolute nonsense is that?

I believe it is Trump’s and Pruitt’s intention to destroy the EPA during a time in which its protection of the people of the United States and of the world is most needed.

The burdens of corporate pollution, both of air and water, have fallen on the poor and most defenseless. The EPA is vital to every aspect of economy, health and culture.

The basic purpose of incorporation is to shield investors from liability. That, when corporations do bad things, leaves the poor, the defenseless and the taxpayer to contend with environmental catastrophe, just like in the days of Love Canal.

Sarah Palin could see Russia from Wasilla. I can see Trump’s plan from here. When the United States and half the free world is destroyed by climate change, he can move to warm and sunny Siberia where he’ll be welcomed by Putin as a conquering hero.

With every part of my soul I urge all to stand up against the nomination of Scott Pruitt. Make your calls to our Senators to stop this absurd and dangerous nomination.

Doug Stowe