Curbing hatred



The father of the assailant said, “This has nothing to do with religion. He got mad when he saw two men kissing in Miami.” Oh dear, kissing?

TV reporters rarely call it a gay bar. I guess we should be glad homophobia is over now that the Supremes have allowed gay marriage. The Sunday that this occurred was Gay Pride in Orlando.

“… nothing to do with religion?” Now, what religion is proud of, supportive of and happy that there are lesbians and gay men still alive? Some of the Methodists now have a “Reconciliation Project” because they, and all other religions, have historically been homophobic. I think the Reconciliation Project is good and that more of other Christian denominations should be reaching out to fundamentalists both Christian and Islamic, Catholics and Baptists, to counter their prejudices and hatred.

This slaughter took place during Gay Pride Week and also Ramadan, the Islamic holy period of prayer, fasting, charity-giving and self-reflection. ISIS called for increased violence during Ramadan. This home-grown hater followed ISIS instead of the Qur’an.

No one from any religion has yet to apologize to me, a life-long lesbian, for the damage, hurt and ugliness of their religion towards me. I am still waiting.

T.A. Laughlin