County Dems invigorated


Charles Templeton of Eureka Springs was elected chair of the Carroll County Democratic Party (CCDP) at a meeting Saturday in Berryville. But the election is subject to approval by the state Democratic Party.

Templeton defeated Levi Phillips, who had been chair of the CCDP for several decades.

A staff member from the state Democratic Party reportedly plans to be in Berryville for the next meeting scheduled March 10 at 6 p.m. at the Berryville Community Center.

“In the meantime, it is going to be decided if the election holds or if we have to do it all over again,” Templeton said. “There were ten people there who were standing CCDP members and they all voted to make an exception and allow new members to vote in the scheduled election of officers to be done that day. Everything was done above board according to Roberts Rules of Order. But the state party may question the ability to waive the waiting period.”

Election of the other three officers, vice chair, treasurer and secretary, was postponed.

Templeton said the most important thing about it is there were so many people who were allowed to become part of the CCDP who had not been a part before.

“I do think it is backlash from the presidential election because people are worried that they are going to lose all their rights,” Templeton said. “It caused a lot of motivation to get involved. First Amendment rights are a number one concern. The president is already attacking the press and it is okay to speak only as long as you speak favorably of him.”

Templeton estimated that there were about 70 people attending the meeting from all parts of the county including Eureka Springs, Berryville, Holiday Island, Green Forest and Alpena.

“This many people coming to that meeting is really special,” he said. “If you had ten people who were registered members of CCDP, and seventy showed up, that’s a good sign. That means people are ready to step up and make a difference. The main thing I heard at the meeting is we want to work with the whole county. This is not an east-versus-west kind of thing. Let’s all come together and do what is best for the Democratic Party.”

Templeton said the party would work hard to support candidates for county offices and the state legislature. In particular, they want to support candidates to run against Rep. Bob Ballinger and Sen. Bryan King, both Republicans who ran unopposed in recent elections.

Contacted for comment Monday, Phillips said it was good to see so much interest in supporting the Democratic Party in Carroll County.

“We’re in a changing political atmosphere and progress moves forward,” Phillips said. “Other countries have revolutions. We have elections. Things are changing, and change is good. New energy always makes things work better.”

Phillips said Carroll County is a strongly Democratic in a state that’s largely Republican.

“We have all Democratic office holders in Carroll County and I don’t know if there is another county in the state that has that,” Phillips said. “That has to do with great candidates and great people. We have had great office holders and great candidates during the time I’ve been fortunate enough to be chairman. I could name one after another. And that is what makes our local government strong.

“One of the greatest things about the Democratic Party is that it is a big tent community that allows people to co-exist. I’d say that Carroll County is the most diverse county in the state of Arkansas. You can travel eighteen miles and see people from all walks of life in Carroll County.”

Phillips said there are a lot of different sectors in the county that make it strong and unique. “We’re agriculture, we’re tourism, we’re arts.”

Jillian Guthrie, who has been involved in meetings in Eureka Springs to make the CCDP stronger, was pleased with the large turnout. She said that although at times the meeting was uncomfortable, there was also a lot of excitement. “The Democratic Party in Carroll County suddenly has about sixty-five new members and we hope to work well with the people who have been active with the Party here for many years.”


  1. I also estimated at least 80 attendees, all white and most my age and older. (I am 62). Here are our challenges: (1) Don’t promote change solely for the sake of change–that’s how Trump got elected. (2) Get over the us-vs.-them of Eureka and Berryville–there’s lots of other folks in this county. (3) Everyone invite or sponsor someone different than yourself–young folks and people of color. Everyone who spoke said Democratic party is all-inclusive–let’s prove it.

  2. I am thrilled to be a part of the Democratic Party and looking forward to actively promoting our agenda to bringing progress to Carroll County. We are stronger together working for the future.

  3. This article is a report of what happened at the meeting minus the emotions. Journalists are amazing to be able to look through the emotions to see the actuality of what occurred.

  4. I’ve seen or heard low estimates of numbers at the meeting. I was in the back and made two counts. There were at least 85 people there.

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