Council tends to city business in New York minute


It was a short meeting for the Eureka City Council Monday night where council unanimously approved the first reading of the aggregate sidewalk ordinance amendment. “Aggregate concrete that matches existing adjoining sidewalks in color and texture as closely as possible” may be permitted under title 9.08 of Municipal Code regarding construction replacement and repair of sidewalks for public use.   

Council unanimously approved the reappointment of Greg Moon to the City Advertising and Promotion Commission, then also voted unanimously to vacate the alley east of Kimberling Alley. 

Mayor Butch Berry was asked to perform a survey of downtown restaurateurs as to their opinions of food trucks during special events, and report back to council.  The mayor agreed and also said that Americans with Disabilities Act improvements to the Auditorium are moving forward.  Alderman Terry McClung said he would like to see the proceeds of the sale of the city property on Norris Street allocated toward the ADA construction costs. 

In addition to auditorium improvements, the mayor notified council that the city is applying for a Community Facility Program Grant from USDA Rural Development for improvements to the downtown fire station #3 to double as a community meeting hall. Because the mayor is donating his architectural services to this, he asked for approval from council to authorize him to do business with the city while serving in office, and council approved.   

In alderman comments, Mickey Schneider said that the Eurekan weekend, July 19-21, was well received with 414 competitors ages 11 to 79 from all over the United States and Mexico, South Africa and Scotland. Schneider noted that the winners of both the half and full marathon were female, and that she was very proud of them. 

There were no public comments and no agenda settings for the next meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, August 12 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium. 

Special note: Alderman Bob Thomas provided sign language service for a hearing impaired resident during Monday’s council meeting.