Council looks beyond city for Parks’ commissioners


Nicky Boyette – Parks Commission Chair Bill Featherstone told city council Monday that amending City Code to allow up to three people who live outside city limits, but in the western district of Carroll County, to serve on the seven-person commission would be in the city’s best interest.

He said the commission went for an extended time with a vacancy, however, various Parks committees have been populated by those interested in helping achieve goals with trails, springs and at Lake Leatherwood, and several of them live outside city limits. He claimed increasing the size of the pool would provide a better chance for maintaining a full commission.

Alderman James DeVito agreed with Featherstone’s request, and alderman Terry McClung moved to have the city attorney draft an ordinance reflecting such. Featherstone volunteered to provide a draft of the ordinance.

Alderman Bob Thomas, however, was not comfortable with three people from outside the city sitting on a city commission. He foresaw that those inside city limits were being further removed from the process of governing the Parks Department, which they pay taxes to support.

DeVito pointed out the Cemetery Commission at one point was in a position of not having enough commissioners to even convene a meeting, so increasing the pool for Parks would only be a good move.

Vote to allow up to three commissioners residing outside the city limits but in the western district to serve on the commission was 5-1, Thomas voting No.

Wrap up

  • Mitchell announced long-time Planning commissioner Ed Leswig had passed away Sunday.
  • Council unanimously voted to seat Barbara Dicks on the Hospital Commission, Barry Reed on the Parks Commission and alderman Bob Thomas as a temporary commissioner on the Cemetery Commission.

Next meeting will be Monday, April 11, at 6 p.m. There will be a workshop on food trucks at 4 p.m. before the meeting.