Council bails on infringement dispute


The previously agreed upon agenda set by city council at the Feb. 24 meeting to discuss the property alleyway and trespassing issue on Fuller St., related to city code enforcement regarding the property owned by Craig and Shy Cox, was missing from the March 9 council agenda. The Coxes, who were present for a no-show discussion that was previously promised, asked why.

The Coxes came ready to discuss the item not aware it had been cut. Craig Cox took the opportunity to speak during public comments saying, “Ms. Schneider you were correct at the last council meeting when you stated, ‘this is not right’ and made a motion that my issue be added to the agenda. However, looking at tonight’s agenda it’s not listed.”

Cox, who has previously gone on record to document months of attempts to communicate with city officials with little or no response continued, “It seems that someone continues to suppress my voice, ignore my concerns, and sweep things under the rug. How can you tell me no one is sweeping things under the rug when an item that was voted to be placed on the agenda was removed without notice?”

Cox said the issue he brought to council at the last meeting was regarding infringements to the Planning Commission’s approved plan of his property, while holding up the architectural drawing approved by the Planning Commission. “Mr. Mayor if my concerns are not a city matter then are you saying that obtaining a permit and/or approval from the HDC or Planning Commission is a formality? And once obtained it is fully acceptable and allowed to change, cut down, or construct without any repercussions?”

Cox refused to agree with the mayor and council that this is a civil matter and resubmitted his position that property rights-of-ways and code infringements are city matters.

During Council Comments, alderman Bob Thomas addressed Cox directly regarding not the content of his concern, but the process in which the agenda is set. “We don’t vote on agenda items. As you can see it’s just somebody makes a motion and somebody else seconds it.”