Jan. 14
10:13 p.m. – A Cassville, Mo., male was arrested for violation of a protection order.
Jan. 15
12:05 p.m. – Officer checked on a possibly intoxicated female on Hillside.
2:37 p.m. – Officers checked for a possibly reckless driver.
4:59 p.m. – A male was arrested at a Van Buren traffic stop.
Jan. 16
7:38 a.m. – Officer took a report for a minor two-vehicle accident on Huntsville Rd.
8:22 a.m. – A male was arrested at a Greenwood Hollow Rd. traffic stop.
Jan. 17
7:16 a.m. – Officer who responded to a possible road rage situation did not observe any traffic violations by the driver.
7:52 p.m. – Officers assisted Springdale PD in attempting to locate a stolen vehicle suspected to be in Eureka Springs. Officers did not locate the vehicle.
10:17 p.m. – Caller reported a loose dog on Ridgeway, but the dog was not located.
Jan. 18
10:03 p.m. – A male was arrested at a Van Buren traffic stop.
11:40 p.m. – Officers responded to a 911 open line where a male was heard yelling and being abusive to the caller. Contact was made with the caller who advised the argument was verbal only and she was OK.
Jan. 19
12:54 p.m. – Officers received report of a reckless driver. The driver was located and checked, and all was OK.
3:15 p.m. – Officer made contact following a welfare check request. Contact was made and all was OK.
5:11 p.m. – A report was taken after graffiti was discovered in the men’s bathroom at Harmon Park.
6:12 p.m. – Officer responded to a burglary alarm on Stadium Rd. The building was found secure and the alarm false.
8:17 p.m. – A report of a careless and reckless driver heading toward Eureka Springs from Berryville was received and a vehicle matching the description was located, but officer did not see it being driven carelessly.
11:28 p.m. – Investigation into a Van Buren burglary alarm found the building to be secure.
Jan. 20
12:38 a.m. – Response to an alarm found the building to be secure.
1:37 a.m. – Officer made contact following a 911 hangup and found it was an accidental dial.
(There were 90 traffic stops, 3 road condition inquiries, 1 parking complaint, 1 theft, 1 motorist assist, 3 animal complaints, 1 reported gas leak, 1 abandoned vehicle and 2 sales calls, among others).