Constables on Patrol


Sept. 12

1:13 a.m. – A report was taken on a hit-and-run in a business parking lot.

Sept. 13

12:10 a.m. – While on patrol an officer made contact with a female sleeping in her vehicle. He advised her she couldn’t do that per city ordinance and she left.

10:19 a.m. – Officers responded to a request for a welfare check for an older female wandering around talking nonsense. She was located on a nearby trolley, acting within her normal range, and not bothering anyone.

2:03 p.m. – Officers went to a downtown hotel because a male and female were arguing. They were separated.

3:49 p.m. – Officers red-tagged a vehicle that had been parked for five days on Douglas St.

Sept. 14

9:41 a.m. – Caller was concerned that her partner may have overdosed and had her son with her. Contact was made, both parties were fine.

5:04 p.m. – Officers went downtown for a female who called screaming “Help” and hung up. Officer said a neighbor was on the female’s porch and she didn’t like it. The neighbor had left beforehand, but later explained on the phone she was just trying to talk to the female.

Sept. 15

5:59 a.m. – When officers responded to an area where a person was reported yelling and knocking on doors, the subject was found, evaluated by EMS, and then arrested on local charges.

9:54 a.m. – Officer responded to a highway fast food place due to an argument between a customer and a lawncare service worker who was accused of blowing grass on the customer’s motorcycle. Customer was gone on arrival.

4:58 p.m. – Officers did not locate a reported drunk driver.

5:06 p.m. – A male called to report that another male was on a stolen electric bike. Officer did not see the bike but found out later that it was not stolen.

7:23 p.m. – Officers went to a resort for a male reporting that someone on a mower blew grass and rocks all over his vehicle and motorcycle. A report was taken.

7:31 p.m. – Officers were dispatched for a missing elderly male. As they were gathering information, he showed up.

11:06 p.m. – A welfare check found the subject to be just fine.

Sept. 16

10:08 a.m. – Caller said a driver dropped keys by their car and walked off acting strange. The owners of the vehicle were found and one of them, who had an active warrant, was arrested.

10:33 a.m. – Caller reported a suspicious vehicle seen on security cameras. Turns out it was Public Works employees surveying.

12:35 p.m. – Officer talked to a man in the ESPD lobby who claimed he had been hit by a trolley. After reviewing transit’s video, it was determined he had not been hit. No report.

1:53 p.m. – A female trying to direct traffic was asked to stay out of the road for her own safety.

8:34 p.m. – Officers went to a downtown hotel for a male in an SUV trying to hit a male walking in the road. The SUV was not located.

9:47 p.m. – A few females said they did not feel safe going into their hotel room. Officer arrived and a male had left so the females were in their room. Dispatch called the females later to make sure they were safe and sound.

Sept. 17

12:20 a.m. – Officers went to an apartment where an elderly female was screaming for help but not coming to her door. When they got there, she came to the door and told them she was OK and did not need assistance.

1:41 a.m. – An intoxicated male was walking on N. Main screaming that he was lost, but on arrival he was walking back into his room.

3:20 a.m. – A male called to say an intoxicated male was back and screaming curse words and bothering the caller again. The intoxicated male was arrested.

2:57 p.m. – A vehicle versus tree accident with no injuries resulted in the vehicle and trailer being towed.

6:29 p.m. – Caller said a suspicious male wasn’t doing anything wrong except walking around on private property and he didn’t like him being there. Officers were unable to locate the male.

7 p.m. – Another call about a male walking on private property who had a weapon and was covered in blood. Officer arrived and talked to the male, who was calm, did not have a weapon, and was not covered in blood, and told him to stay off that property. Officer reassured the caller there would be extra patrol.

7:46 p.m. – Officers went to a hotel for a possible fire threat. Everything was OK, the responsible person was only concerned about an exposed lamp wire. No threats were made.

9:03 p.m. – A male with no shoes on was lying in the middle of the road and officers made sure he was OK.

11:06 p.m. – Individuals got into a confrontation, but the resort manager had already separated them and sent them to their rooms.

Sept. 18

12:01 a.m. – An inn manager said an intoxicated female did not belong there and officer gave her a ride home.

7:17 a.m. – A female was passed out beside the road near Harding Spring but she was OK and able to walk away on her own.

9:02 a.m. – A welfare check found a man to be fine, he just wasn’t answering his phone.