Compassion trumps criticism



I hate nasty myths about the poor.

Poverty is the fault of those who are poor – too disgusting to respond.

Poor people are lazy – The laziest people I have ever known are the rich who watch the stock market and underpay their servants.

Poor people waste their money on alcohol and drugs–- Wouldn’t any person who endures constant humiliation, shame, poor pay and terrible working conditions like on the chicken-plucking line wish to escape reality?

Poor people don’t mind poor health – No dental services and now Cheetollini and the Republicans want to destroy Obamacare?

Poor people are not clean – Work 2 jobs, keep house, take care of kids, wash clothes, wait on a husband… and have enough money to repair the washing machine or enough energy to go to the Laundromat?

Poor people steal – The major thieves are the un-elected president, rich men, corporations who rip off other countries’ natural resources, oil companies, and other greedy capitalists.

Poor people are ignorant – Magazines cost $, as do computers & Wifi, kids need good nutrition and support to stay in boring classes, Head Start is cut, and it is difficult to relate to books that lie about history and are monitored by the right-wing company out of Dallas, not written for any student who is not white or middle-class.

Pope Francis spoke of the exclusion of the poor and the inequality of resources. He admonishes us to be compassionate.

I thank the Flint St. Food Bank and the Cup of Love Soup Kitchen for feeding the poor and bless them out of my atheist’s heart.

T.A. Laughlin