Community Center should be about fitness



Regarding the Community Center; I feel the possibility of a community center right in the heart of Eureka Springs is fantastic! I also feel they should keep it simple to start and if desired, based on funds and demand, add other things later. I really would like to see it begin with something that mimics a YMCA or the Berryville Community center, something that promotes health, wellness and community. You can charge membership fees to pay back loans just like the others do. 

I would love it if it had an indoor pool, eucalyptus steam rooms and hot tubs or hydra-therapy pools, one in the girl’s locker room, one in the boy’s locker room. The indoor pool could be useful for its members, water aerobics, programs for swim lessons for kids and fitness for seniors, plus maybe the high school could have a swim team? It’s nice to think I wouldn’t have to drive to Berryville for indoor fitness or swimming if it’s raining out. It could also be a place for yoga class, dance class, karate and others, mostly for locals and members. 

I like the first idea I read in the paper about the community center that suggested it being a hub for all the trails whether for biking or hiking and another playground for little kids, indoor would be nice. There isn’t enough stuff for small children in this town and more kids are living here than before!

I feel if anyone wants more things like shops, (which we have plenty, some spaces are always for rent), why build new ones if the current places need filling? We don’t need Wi-Fi hot spots under the same roof as the fitness and wellness area, to me that promotes sitting and creates an environmental disruption for wellness.

The idea of a community meeting place for various reasons is great but I feel should be under a separate roof from the fitness and wellness area for various reasons. Start out with a nice, basic community and fitness center, then as funds an demands rise, address those step by step!

Dee Leach