Commission anticipating taking over hospital management


The Eureka Springs Hospital Commission met briefly at the ECHO medical clinic on June 17 and Tyson L. Burden, MD, is predicted to be the new commissioner, once approved by city council and sworn in by Mayor Butch Berry by the next hospital meeting. Burden is a physician and owns a medical clinic in Eagle Rock, Mo. 

Treasurer Barbara Dicks provided the financial report and stated the rent payment from Allegiance was received on time this month bringing the total asset balance to $3,409,105. 

Chair John House said that the hospital in Dardanelle is no longer operated by Allegiance, making Eureka Springs Hospital the only hospital in Arkansas they operate. Allegiance representatives are anticipated to appear before the commission at the next regular meeting where commissioners can discuss their plans for remaining in operation in Eureka Springs. 

The commission discussed conversations they have had with their attorney in preparation for a potential shift in management in the event the commission must accept the role of management. No other agenda items were discussed.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 15 at 6 p.m. in the ECHO clinic.