

American Insights

The Meaning of the Declaration The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his life. It was Monday, July 6, 1926, and the rain...

Ode to Four Square

Let’s say the year is 2010, and you’ve just started your first day at Clear Spring School. “Wow,” would probably be your first thought, “this school is really tiny.” Then, “Huh,” you’d think, “These...

The Dirt on Nicky

Let’s take a trip Mark Twain stated, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” St. Augustine wrote, “The world is a book and...


Well, summer has arrived hotter temps are coming. Staying hydrated is important when fishing because dehydration can lead to dizziness, fatigue, confusion, headache and disorientation. The average person needs at least 62 ounces of...

Hall Closets

“My guardian angel – she wears a hardhat.” Rockin’ Horse Warren Haynes and Gregg Allman As a lifetime Razorback addict, I am firmly aware as to the intensity to which the beast, that is SEC athletics, can...

The Coffee Table

When Dogs Fly   Air travel is traumatic. Driving to the airport is stressful because I don’t know the way. Siri guides me, but he’s been known to make a mistake – or just quit talking. I...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 10 – 16, 2024

Nourishing All the Cancer Light Touches We are under the light of Cancer, the 4th sign of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer). Cancer is a cardinal (initiating) water (fluid) sign adapting to what...

American Insights

Our Best Selves It was a warm and cloudy Friday in the nation’s capital. At 11:14 a.m. on June 26, 2015, the president entered the Rose Garden to deliver scheduled remarks concerning the Supreme Court’s...

The Coffee Table

Open Letter to the Honorable Steve Womack Dear Representative Womack:  I received your text telling me that “Under Joe Biden’s policies, nearly 10M illegals have entered our country… .Recently, he took executive action to allow 2,500...

The Dirt on Nicky

Little bronze dots on the bottoms of leaves One afternoon a few days ago, I noticed how hot it was outside. And again the next day. And the next. So, here we are, gardeners and...

