Climate solutions


The true story of Global Warming and the climate emergency is out of the bag. The National Climate Assessment report (NAC4) confirms what most people already knew. We are living in a dangerous world. How will we deal with our greatest threat? It is not too late if we care enough to change.

Make the world a better place

We are all connected. Charles Eisenstein asks, “What can we, as individuals, do to make the world a better place?” Our daily choices have the power to change the world. In a time of social and ecological crisis how can we not do our very best and choose love over hate, compassion over cruelty, courage over fear, and peace over war?

Eisenstein says the climate emergency is not just about carbon dioxide, but the choices we make, based on how we see ourselves and others. How can we destroy our national monuments and take sacred land from sovereign Native American nations, for mining and fracking? How can we increase greenhouse gas emissions to increase the demand for gasoline and diesel? How can we discourage the use of solar energy with tariffs and regulations to protect the archaic power grid and coal-fired power plants? How can we block electric powered public transportation? How can we choose our allies based on purchases of deadly weapons?

Respect sacred lands

Ryan Zinke wants to sell the Bears Ears Monument for oil. His management plan is a scam. “Zinke caught red-handed trying to sell off public lands.” Please Google “BLM invites the public to review draft Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument,” and comment by November 30.

Strategic climate solutions

There are many ways to reduce emissions and capture carbon from the atmosphere. Effective strategies describe what, when, where, and how to get the best results. “Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy,” brings together the latest research on climate solutions, using models to find the best climate policies. This is a step forward from the Drawdown Coalition.

Take an ecological stand on the forests

Forests are the best way to deal with severe weather and capture carbon in tree trunks and the forest soil. The cycle of scorching heat, insect infestation, wildfires, heavy smoke, mudflows, and droughts are due to climate change.

There are many types of trees, forests, and wildfires. Wildfires are unique to one location and time. The new megafires are monster wildfires as lethal and unpredictable as hurricanes.

Thinning the forests to prevent megafires like the California Camp Fire may seem like a good idea but it is not. Thinning is the deceptive forestry practice of logging a forest. The amount of revenues determines the size of the harvest. Thinning creates voids in the forest, increasing wind and fire speed. When the wind roars, and ailing trees burn, you may have a megafire. Thinning does not prevent forest fires, it makes fires worse.

Arkansas Rep. Bruce Westerman and Sen. John Boozman paired up for the “Seed to Sawmill” tour, visiting mills in five Arkansas counties. Boozman then told the Senate, “Forestry generates more than three billion dollars per year for Arkansas, there is a need for active forest management,” which means, “give the US Forest Service unrestricted power to thin national forests without public input and environmental reviews.” Managing the forests means cutting trees, prescribed fires, and selling timber. Please Google “Republican Farm Bill Threatens 58.5 Million Acres of Forest Land.”

Westerman reported $812,070 in contributions for the 2017-2018 election cycle, most from big timber. If you asked Westerman about fungi he may talk about hog-tie. The fungi kingdom includes a variety of organisms like mushrooms, yeast, and mold, decomposing leaves and organic material in the forest floor, one of the amazing secrets of the forests.

Stop thinning the forests

Our national forests are at high risk. Thinning gone wild, Westerman’s deception is a false solution.

Please tell Congress to oppose forestry measures in the House version of the Farm Bill, an imminent threat for the forests!

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. The request to call your US Senators to protect the Forests is explained in the NPR report below.

    Westerman’s Resilient National Forests Act, would NOT make the forests resilient as the title suggests, it would stop all public input and environmental review for USFS timber sales projects. USFS and the Department of Agriculture report to Ryan Zinke’s BLM. Zinke wants to extract oil from National Monuments and off-shore drilling, Zinke wants to sell timber from National Forests, destroying Nature’s ecosystems.

    Zinke is all about profits from “natural resources” pretending drilling, fracking, removing mountain tops and harvesting National Forests – like third world countries clearing the forests for palm oil – is unrelated to the Climate Emergency. Zinke and other highly intelligent people say “they don’t believe burning fossil fuels is the cause of climate change.”

    Megafires will get worse if Westerman’s forestry changes in the Farm Bill get approved. These changes were added to the Farm Bill trying to get them approved, a sneaky way used by Westerman. Please protect the forests from loggers and Big Timber. Thank you

  2. Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and Kanab-Escalante
    BLM wants to destroy sacred lands for oil
    Comments due Friday, November 30
    Please support Alternative A

    Alternative A is the no action alternative, the continuation of existing management under the GSENM RMP.

    Alternative D is the BLM’s preferred alternative, to sell sacred land, described as an 85 percent “reduction.”

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