City focusing on waterworks


City wastewater system was back in discussion at the Monday, Nov. 27, Eureka Springs City Council meeting with Public Works Director Simon Wiley giving an update on testing of Leatherwood Creek. Wiley said that e. coli tests had come back from Springdale within safety standards, so testing of the creek was no longer necessary. This testing is separate from the compliance issues from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality that Public Works must fix.

Alderman Terry McClung questioned how to get the sewer plant fixed, and Wiley explained the process McClelland Engineering intends to go through in January, draining and cleaning the sequencing batch reactor (SBR). McClung asked how to avoid trash clogging it in the future, and Wiley said the trash collector inside would need to be fixed. McClung voiced support in purchasing a second pump for the SBR’s to keep the plant running, with alderman Melissa Greene agreeing.

Discussion moved to the subject of a campground connected to the city’s sewer system but not city water. Upon Wiley explaining that the campground refuses to be connected to city water. Alderman Harry Meyer suggested Public Works disconnect them from the sewer system. Wiley said he wasn’t sure municipal code required that they connect to the city water system and Meyer asked if they could pass an ordinance obliging them to do so.

City Attorney Forrest Jacobi said he could not find a requirement that they connect. Meyer asked if they should draft an ordinance, and Jacobi replied, “Would you like me to draft one?” McClung asked if there was a way to charge them for the sewer usage and Wiley said that would need to be added.

Discussion on whether or not the campground was connected to city sewer but not water was legal. Mayor Butch Berry explained that there had been an agreement between previous owners and a former mayor. Wiley added that there are also easements signed by the county rather than the city. Jacobi added he could not find property owners who gave the easement off the campground property. Wiley continued to say there was no agreement for the city to adopt those easements.

Council moved to have an ordinance drafted that those within 500 feet of a water line must be connected to city water. McClung questioned if the campground would be grandfathered in the same as other property issues since they were operating as is before the ordinance was drafted. McClung asked that the city research if a grandfather clause would apply. Jacobi said they would check with the Municipal League.

Other Items

  • Resolution 851 to authorize the auction of excess city property, vehicles in this case, passed unanimously.
  • Resolution 852 authorizing bonuses for the holidays were approved unanimously with part-time employees receiving $50, full-time employees of fewer than 6-months receive $50, full-time employees of 6-months to a year $150, one – five-year employees $175, 5 – 10 years $200, and 10 years or more $250.