City council live and on stage


Mayor Butch Berry said that on May 14 he denied a request for a temporary Entertainment District from Stephen Rodgers of Nyx Restaurant due to city budget shortages for security and sanitation. Berry said he discussed it with Police Chief Brian Young and Public Works Director Dwayne Allen, and they concur that the city cannot afford to police and perform cleanup the entertainment district would require.

On June 5, Rodgers submitted another request for an E.D. during the dates of July 9 through Sept. 13, every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 3 – 9 p.m. Berry said he thought he was discussing an appeal of the denial instead of a resubmission with a change of date, and council deferred discussion.  

Final business

Bobbie Foster was reappointed to the CAPC, and Michael Merry was reappointed to the Hospital Commission. A new applicant, Jean Reed, RN, applied for Position #2 on the Hospital Commission but Reed’s application was not discussed. Position #2 is currently held by Peggy Duncan and expires 6/1/2024.

Items expected to be discussed at the next regular meeting are discussion of holding a workshop with the Planning Commission, one with the Parks Commission, and agenda setting process discussion.  

A special meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 15 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium to host a presentation by a local W.O.W group to consider approving summer tourist events created to boost sales tax revenue.