Citizens tell council that health is their primary interest


Amid the highest count of Covid-19 cases in Carroll County since the pandemic inception, Eureka Springs city council held a special meeting to hear a presentation on “Six Weeks of Fun” by local event planners. Private citizens and business owners showed up and took a hard stand in an overwhelming pushback, saying health and safety is their bottom line.

The “Six Weeks of Fun” presentation was led by Jacqueline Wolven and Passion Play Marketing Director Kent Butler.

Wolven said that Tracy Johnson, CAPC event planner and Gina Rambo, Interim Director of the CAPC, were collaborators and supporters of the initiative. The presentation was viewed on an overhead screen.

The presentation made an effort to show the value of closing downtown Spring Street from vehicle traffic and parking to allow people to walk, eat, be entertained by online scheduled events, and possibly drink on the street in a socially distanced manner. The closing of Spring Street from Center to Mountain was proposed to be in effect all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday throughout the six weeks. July 3rd fireworks were proposed, plus six weeks of consecutive Friday night fireworks.

Regarding fireworks, Butler said that they did not have a specific start date set due to the increase of Covid-19 cases in NWA. The event was devised after a community brainstorming session in April on how best to keep Eureka Springs prominent with multiple focus groups created to hone that information into something substantial.

Wolven requested that council consider the event on a bi-monthly basis to evaluate when the event would be best held. The event was originally described as summer specific but was changed so that it could held at any point in the year.

Because these events would attract more than 100 people, Wolven requested an almost immediate answer from the mayor, council, and fire chief to approve the license for the street closure and fireworks so they can ask the Arkansas Secretary of Health for final approval of this request. “You keep talking about following protocol and stuff and you’re not,” alderman Mickey Schneider said to Wolven, who did not wear a face mask.

After the presentation alderman Harry Meyer said, “No, this is not a good idea at this time. So, there’s no reason to even discuss this right now.”

Mayor Butch Berry gave each alderman a chance to ask questions, and afterward Terry McClung made a motion to approve the July 3rd Fireworks only. Aldermen Melissa Greene, Schneider, and Meyer said No, while McClung, Susan Harman and Bob Thomas said Yes. Berry broke the tie with a Yes.

The mayor started to continue when City Attorney Tim Weaver interrupted, saying that because this is a special meeting only one vote can be made inside the lawful boundaries of an open meeting. There was confusion as to whether they should retract the vote and move on, or if the vote would stand.

Thomas took the vote as the city’s one vote and took Weaver’s advice for adjournment, or at least no more votes, and left. Other aldermen stayed for public comments, but that section of the published special meeting agenda was omitted.

Open meetings invite open opinions

Of the approximate 30 attendees in the audience, at least 10 were compelled to speak to the mayor and council to choose public health over the proposed Six Weeks of Fun.

“I’m absolutely opposed,” said longtime downtown business owner Karen Lindblad who said closing Spring Street kills downtown stores. She said that promoting public drinking after the referendum was signed to stop the Entertainment District until a vote of the people at the next general election has serious consequences. “We may have to sue the city over this,” she said.

LauraJo Smole said, “Please do not let the economy drive you to spread covid.” Longtime downtown artist and gallery owner Blakeley Wilson said Eureka must remain a smart community saying, “No Special Events. Street parties and parades must wait. Eureka Springs is known as a safe place and must remain so.”

LeRoy Gorrell reminded council of sworn oath to dedicate themselves to the safety of the people and urged them not to promote large gatherings now. He said for the health and well-being of the citizens and the guests, “Pull back on the reins!”

Business owner since 1970, Steve Beacham supports the mayor for not issuing licenses for events until at least Sept. 1, saying this is not the time for large crowds. Vance Marvin said closing Spring Street is not well planned and it is not going to work because parking and deliveries are essential to the downtown businesses.

Suzie Bell, Democratic candidate for the State House and co-founder of ECHO free clinic urged council and the mayor in the interest of public health, “We need to follow the CDC guidelines. It is the virus that controls the timeline.”

She asked how the policing of social distancing and face masks would be enforced, and there was no answer. Gallery owner Ken Foggo described his frustrations through visual cartoons showing how idiotic it would be right now to host large gatherings.

“The virus is here,” Dr. Dan Bell said. “County offices are closed. This is not going away.”

D Rude repeated, “Now is not the time. Now is not the time.”

Event planner Jeff Danos said he has already cancelled the 2020 Zombie Crawl, an event that draws thousands, because it would not be responsible saying, “How will we enforce people to social distance? I have to think about the community.”

Autumn Slane, co-owner of Grotto Grill, spoke in favor of the summer fun saying, “Street closure is an awesome idea.”

McClung looked at the mayor and asked him to bring a resolution to the agenda to the next meeting for a vote.


  1. I encourage everyone to read the plan HERE

    The Six Weeks of Fun in Eureka Springs shared with its supporters NOT to attend a public meeting that was intended as a council update and had no vote required other than whether or not to permit July 3rd fireworks.

    There were NO requests for special events only a plan to do so responsibly when the time is right.
    Please take a moment and look for yourself at the plan

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