Child doses available


The Eureka Springs Hospital and the Carroll County Health Department in Berryville plan a clinic Thursday, Nov. 18, at the Eureka Springs Elementary School to provide child doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 5-11, Angie Shaw, CEO of ESH said. Recently the FDA gave emergency use approval for the Pfizer vaccine for that age group.

“We did get the vaccine in and we will start with our clinic this week,” Shaw said Monday. “In addition to the school clinic, pediatric doses of Pfizer will be available at the regular Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. shot clinic at the hospital.”

First, second and third shots of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines are also available Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the hospital with no appointment necessary. Shaw said they are seeing good interest in boosters and gave about 50 each Friday for the past two weeks.

Shaw said she hopes people will consider getting vaccinated, and having their children vaccinated to protect family and friends at holiday gatherings.

“If you are unvaccinated, you need to think about protecting your family,” she said. “Just as long as people take precautions, I think the holidays will be okay. From what I hear, not a lot of people are traveling or having big get-togethers. It is mostly just getting together with their close family. I think people are still playing it safe.”