Cell tower proposed on US 62 East


AT&T Mobility has plans to build a 270-ft. cell tower on U.S. 62 East on the opposite side of the road near the entrance to the Good Shepherd Humane Society.

Dale Ingram, a spokesman for AT&T Mobility, said there was no information available about the project that they can offer at this time, such as why the tower is needed or what type of wireless technology will be included.

Coordinates for the cell tower were in a legal notification in the Independent on April 15 and 22, but the text as received from AT&T read “Site location is Highway 62 West…”

“I’ll keep you posted when we are able to provide more information,” Ingram said.

Ingram would not disclose if the tower will have 5G capability, the latest generation of cell phone technology.

“While we have not announced plans for 5G in this area, we continue to invest in and build the network that will serve our customers today and in the future,” Ingram said.

Some residents are concerned about human health impacts from the deployment of 5G. Mary Blazes said thousands of scientists, medical doctors and many others have joined across the globe to halt the 5G human experiment only to find more are going up every day across the globe. Blazes said 5G sends greater than microwave radiation than earlier wireless technologies.

Blazes said she received a list of 30 5G cell towers from the Carroll County Tax Assessor. In January, an expert said he didn’t think 5G was in rural areas yet, but Blazes said a Cox representative told her 5G is available here. One of the industry talking points is that 5G provides much greater speed.

“This microwave radiation hits the human body and negatively impacts human cells straining the immune system,” Blazes said. “People who are already sick get worse and, if their sickness is already bad, death approaches faster.” 

Blazes understood that there was danger from 5G, but she thought it was not here yet in Eureka Springs and surely would not become a threat in such a little beautiful town. 

“I became a victim of this silent radiation after being run down from moving here and finding a simple sinus problem became a long-standing event of four months,” she said. “I have had good health all of my life and a very strong immune system, plus I heal all of my own challenges of body, mind and spirit. Yet after hunting down that I had ordered high speed internet here in December 2019 into my bedroom wall, it became very clear that 5G had made its hit on my body.”

She requested Cox move the internet farther from her bedroom, but the sinus problems continued, along with static in both ears. After using new healing remedies, both health problems improved, but are not gone.

“We are going to put the house up for sale as there are over 30 5G cell towers in Carroll County, only 67 square miles in location,” Blazes said. “We have found rural land which has no 5G signal and will be sure to find a means to keep it away.”

As a result of her health problems, she has researched the phenomena well and has concluded this indeed it is a silent killer. 

“As I am a strong advocate in removing human suffering. I made it a point to focus on learning more and helping others,” Blazes said. “Anyone who needs help on this I can be available by phone to lend an ear and some help.” She can be reached at 214-364-0177.

Why there are so many 5G cell towers in such a small town and rural area? She said there are so many because of hilly land formations and placement of profit over health.

“Every human who is near a 5G cell tower is compromised in body, mind and spirit health and well-being,” she said. “I would imagine that no one wants to have silent radiation going on constantly all over, inside and outside every home. It’s like having a blanket of bad energy flowing all around everywhere unseen waiting to scramble vital cellular function in every part of one’s body. How weird, brutal and horrific is that?”

Blazes said of the best information on 5G is available at 5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal.

AT&Ts Ingram said they follow the radiofrequency radiation exposure limits set by the Federal Communications Commission.

“The FCC recently said there’s no evidence 5G is a health risk, based on research and findings by the FDA,” Ingram said.

The FDA has concluded that current wireless technology appears to be safe. “We have not found sufficient evidence that there are adverse health effects in humans caused by exposures at or under the current radiofrequency energy exposure limits,” the FDA said. “Even with frequent daily use by the vast majority of adults, we have not seen an increase in events like brain tumors. Based on this current information, we believe the current safety limits for cell phones are acceptable for protecting the public health.”


  1. The only 5G service available in this area is a T-mobile tower at Holiday island. It uses the same 600 mhz frequency band that until recently, had been safely used by broadcast TV stations since the 1940s.
    TV stations’ transmitters are often many thousands of times more powerful than a cell tower. If there was a health issue using this frequency band, we would know it by now.

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