Parking tickets not a problem

Editor, In reply to a letter to the editor, “Not Coming Back,” I found it laughable that the writer complained about “loud motorcycles, their...

Another thing to do with money

Editor, I wanted to tell a story about a family member because it sort of pertains to a local issue. This happened about 20 years...

Woman thanking women

Editor, The Domestic Violence Resource & Support Center of Carroll County has been wonderfully blessed! We wish to offer thanks to Teresa Pelliccio De Vito...

Thanking veterans

Editor, Reflecting back on this past Memorial Day, I found it’s become very trendy and popular these days for people to walk up to a...

Test it. Stop it.

Editor, It’s crappy that a mass-feeding confinement factory like C&H Farms is operating on the Buffalo River National Park watershed. C&H is part of a larger international...

Just shut it down

Editor, I tried to call Governor Asa Hutchinson’s office and was shuffled off to the voicemail of the person in charge of veteran’s affairs, who...

Sidewalks a hazard

Editor, Within the last few weeks just driving through town I have witnessed 4 (yes 4) people, mostly older, who have fallen on sidewalks downtown. Am...

What you can do to prepare

Editor, I thank the Independent and Dr. John House for the recent 4-part series on the State of the World and the threats we face...

Accepting differences

Editor, OMG! I can’t believe that the great bathroom controversy is once again at center stage. In my lifetime, whenever there is a point-of-law dialogue...

Public right to know

Editor, Thank you for exposing Marti Suchsland as the dangerous, gunweilding, extremist willing to kill any trans person she comes in contact with in a...