Flood insurance needed now
To pass the National Flood Insurance Plan in Carroll County, your help is needed. Please attend the Quorum Court meeting at 5 p.m. on...
Vex Appeal
When trying to understand Trump’s success, we would do well to remember that his madly bombastic, bellicose ravings appeal to some American voters, presumably...
Vision of improvements
I watched the meeting where Mr. Berry mentioned investing in a generator for the water treatment plant that would pay for itself in two...
Good eating, good giving
Thursday at our farmers’ market I tried to give a jar of fresh peach preserves we had made to our Filipina friend who is...
Relating to food
We have come a long way since EB White’s 1948 piece in the Atlantic entitled “Death of a Pig.” EB White authored the classic...
Defender takes offense
I just got through with the morning paper reading more about the Orlando shootings, etc. Although tragic, I would like to address the fact...
Veterans Day only four months away
We thank all the people who made the 4th of July Parade possible!
People behind the scenes: Post 9 American Legion, Debbie Klein, Debbi Clark,...
Are police overstepping their authority?
Dear Tourists,
We ordinary citizens of Eureka apologize for the rude behavior concerning the parking meters and excessive ticketing. Unfortunately, it appears our city feels...
History still repeating
Malcom X, the Black Nationalist, said, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s...
Council decision regrettable
Concerning the Independent’s article, “New B&Bs on suspension” (June 29), I lament the Eureka Springs City Council’s lack of basic fairness in banning future...