Follow the yuan

Editor, Recently, Hillary Ramrod Clinton told the Kentucky folks she would provide $30 billion to offset the coal industry losses. Bill Clinton sold the Long Beach...

Sidewalks a hazard

Editor, Within the last few weeks just driving through town I have witnessed 4 (yes 4) people, mostly older, who have fallen on sidewalks downtown. Am...

Yet More Joy

Editor, While surely we all applaud the refreshed efforts at the restoration of the Joy Motel, I feel it necessary to address what I see...

Yes, we can

Editor, I am practicing thankfulness. I loved the rain. My hairdresser and I did a rain dance. We should have danced longer. We saw the Grapes...

Business and politics

Editor, Just in case you needed another reason to question why you shop at Walmart you can add their policy not to allow voter registration...

Sustainable living is the goal

Editor, We’re grateful to celebrate Earth Day in the magnificent Ozarks. And we’re inspired by our friends and neighbors who are loving the Earth in...

Salute to the American Legion

Editor, The Legion Hut Mr. Tucker wrote about  was built by the American Legion Walker-Wilson Post 9, not the VFW. Yes, there is a difference. Post...

Sweet Halloween

Editor, Halloween on the Upper Historic Loop was another one for the history books! With the shackles of lockdown broken and an evening with perfect...

Common sense is vital

Editor, Our nation was founded on the basic principles that, “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable...

Animals need a leg up

Editor, The best thing Nan and I did when moving to Eureka Springs in 2011 was respond to a flyer about a volunteer orientation for Good...