The Nature of Eureka

Poison Hemlock A couple of weeks ago a friend sent me a link to a newspaper report about an unfortunate individual in Ohio who, to...


We are so lucky to be in this utopia of the Ozarks. We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy all her glory....

The Dirt on Nicky

Turnip time Westport is known in the southeastern part of Massachusetts for its high school sports teams, but it is famous throughout the vegetable world...


It has come to our attention that people – friends, the employed, numerous heads-of-state – ordinary people with hormones, dualities, peer pressure and simple...

The Coffee Table

On Holidaze By the time you read this, Father’s Day and my 35th wedding anniversary will have come and gone. But I am currently in the...


What a nice start to our week, cool rain! Reports last week reminded me of the great fishing opportunities on the Kings River. The...

The Dirt on Nicky

Beans on the bushes This time of year there are beans on the bushes, so all’s right with the world. The Baker Creek seed catalog...


Driving home from Eagle Rock last evening, I was thinking that whether we like anyone else or not, we have all been invited into...

The Coffee Table

A Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood I was born in Texas. Raised in Yankeeland – with a small stint on the West Coast.  I moved to...

The Nature of Eureka

Yellow Coneflowers This time of year reminds me of 1980, my first summer in the Ozarks. The memory trigger is the blooming of Echinacea along...