
This week’s picture comes from Ozark Fishing Guide Service. Owner and captain of Ozark Fishing Guide Service, Patrick Forseth, who took this picture, is fervent...

Hall Closets

“The spirit it moves in all things.” Widespread Panic Despite a tremendous lack of baseball played here in the Western District of Carroll County, Eureka...

The Coffee Table

Seeing Spring This is the fourth spring I’ve encountered since my husband died, but the first one I have really noticed. I have dogwood trees in...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 24 – 30, 2024

Passover, Mercury Stations Direct, Aquarian Salon We are now in the time of Passover (Pesach), the Jewish festival of freedom and the story of...

American Insights

The Right to Resist Born at Cape Cod and educated at Harvard, the Reverend Samuel West was a patriot. But above all, he was a...

Let’s start at the very beginning

During the school year, 1973-1974, I taught at Greenhill in Dallas. Laurie Doctor and I attended my sister Georgie Green’s Alphabetic Phonics course at...


With multiple species being caught everywhere, people often ask me the best time of year to fish here.  Springtime! The first of March to the...

The Dirt on Nicky

A modest tribute to leafy things   We should focus for a moment on leafy vegetables. Tomatoes and peppers are glamorous, colorful and photo-worthy, but fair...

The Coffee Table

Breathe… Being older than dirt, I come from a time before portable phones and “apps.”  So I am not a full-fledged user of these things....

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 17 – 23, 2024

Wesak Full Moon Festival – Buddha Blesses the World The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival is Tuesday, April 23, 2024. After Sun enters Taurus on...