The Dirt on Nicky

All we are saying is give peas a chance About 12,000 years, humans were moving out of caves into huts and tepees, domesticating goats instead...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The boss and I were sitting out on the back porch drinking coffee when I said I might insulate and fix up my workshop....


Sunday was too hot to sit under the hackberry, so we settled in his garage with the fan blowing like it had to put...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 30 – April 5

Mercury in Aries – What We’ve Never Said Before The new moon for the new spiritual year occurs around midnight this Thursday night, Friday morning...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Democrat and Republican elites have lost control of their respective ideologies, moral values and political character, and are in the process of destroying the...

Hall Closets

Vote for me, cuz I’m runnin for my life! from “Business as Usual” by Dumpstaphunk I was over the moon about Razorback basketball this season....

The Coffee Table

If you think she likes your bristles walk barefoot through some thistles – Burma Shave I hate shaving. I consider it among the least accomplishments...

The CoffeeTable

Capitol ideas I first visited the US Capitol in August 1968. My late Aunt Marjorie, divorced and childless, paid for one niece or nephew to...


A couple of weeks ago, Wednesday afternoon, Perlinda and I were downtown delivering newspapers We parked in the yellow zone in front of the...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 23 – 29, 2023

Virgo Sun & Mercury Retrogrades The sun has left the fires of Leo and entered the mutable earth sign, Virgo, sixth sign of the zodiac....