Having REEL Fun

Another week and another big fish. Custom Adventures team member Richard Lee Rusher took his good friend Vince McCurdy out to explore new options...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

My husband and I really enjoy the holidays but every year our love life goes out the window. With all the extra goings-on, what...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 11-18

Preparing for the Gemini Festival of Humanity Risa - The Gemini Festival of Humanity occurs Saturday, May 21. I am writing about it ahead of...

The Dirt on Nicky

All’s gourd with the world Gourds know best. You can’t be a gourd without a good reason. Imagine a gaggle of dried gourds gathered by...

The Pursuit of Happiness

An old friend is a psychologist in private practice who’s been seeing patients for more than 30 years. We hug when we meet for...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Krotz - It came to my attention that a late middle-aged and disabled veteran was identified as a vulnerable adult. The consequence was...

Dropping a Line

By Robert Johnson - Here is a little help on most the fish in our local lakes and streams. Our water temp here at...

The Dirt on Nicky

I love tits Concurrent with my transplanting vegetable seedlings into garden beds too soon again this year because I apparently never learn, is the arrival...

The Nature of Eureka

From Holly to Hollywood One of my favorite Arkansas native plants, yaupon holly, which occurs in all counties in southwest Arkansas, evolved in the Ouachita...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There is profound agreement among Americans of all political persuasions and parties that we’re going to hell in a handbasket. There’s also agreement that...