
Since all of us were once children, we know that when an adult tried to say something soothing or funny or distracting while we...

The Coffee Table

Silence Hurts Days after the Buffalo massacre, my phone flashed the following quote from CNN: ‘“White supremacy is a poison. It’s a poison… running through our body...


There’s a big national hoopla right now about our man who done us wrong. He was president of our country only once but wouldn’t...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 5 – 11, 2023

A Festival Week Ahead! We have a week of converging festivals – three religious festivals, three developmental levels of humanity (Jewish Passover, Christian/Easter, Esoteric/Aquarian...

Hall Closets

“If you make sure you’re connected, The writing’s on the wall. But if your mind’s neglected, Stumble you might fall. Stumble you might fall.” Stereo MCs     It has been a...


Once again, the media are saying and writing that the United States is not ready for a non-traditional presidential candidate. It’s amusing, kind of...

Free Parking

We are not the first society with corruption so deep it threatens its very foundations. The Greeks coined the word “kakistricy” and the English...

The Coffee Table

Widowhood Ain’t for Sissies  I missed the widows & widowers support group meeting—again. My property wouldn’t allow me the two hours off to attend. Consequently, I am...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The President and the Grand Old Party (GOP), informs us that they’ll have a new healthcare plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...

Exploring the fine art of ROMANCE

My husband and I have talked this issue into the ground but neither of us is really sure where we stand. Is sex chatting,...