The Pursuit of Happiness

The Republican Party has been screwing poor people and working people every day since 1929. But this year, working folks turned out in significant...


One sure thing we can say about people is that we are quick to realize our mistakes. For instance, in the late 1400s seafarers found...

Dropping a Line

Robert Johnson - Anthony Boettner from over in Centerton came to fish here at Holiday Island this week looking for whites and walleye. He must’ve...

The Nature of Eureka

We are Springs The reason Eureka Springs exists is because Eureka is springs. In Cutter’s Guide to the Eureka Springs of Arkansas (Cutter and Trump, St....

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 22-29

Signs of Summer & Chiron Retrogrades Beginning at summer solstice, and for 72 hours after, the Sun remains still in its northern position at the...

The Nature of Eureka: Nature for Kids

Nature was always a part of my childhood growing up in Maine, where meadows of milkweed were home to thousands of monarch butterflies. A...

Education turns walls into doors

During these last 17 years, I have been teaching adults who want to improve their lives with a GED or improved English skills so...


Nothing burns like the cold, my grandpa use to tell me. It’s cold, and wind is going right through us. But there are still...

The Pursuit of Happiness

People can drive you crazy. I know a guy who has later-stage diabetes but refuses to do anything about it. He’s starting to look...

The Nature of Eureka: Noxious invasive aliens

I know, I know, as a card-carrying charter (and now life) member of the Arkansas Native Plant Society, a Master Naturalists in training, and...