The Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Krotz - The Republican establishment’s panic over the ascendancy of Donald Trump includes a glimmer of understanding that “the base” has finally caught...


I really hope everybody had a great week. I hit the Kings River with my flyrod, and my dogs got to run at Stony...

The Nature of Eureka: Ginkgo – A golden treasure

Among the horticultural treasures of Eureka Springs, two trees loom large – the female ginkgos flanking the service entrance at the back of the...

Dropping a Line

Robert Johnson - This week thought I would show you that we also have big other big fish around here besides just stripers. Local...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A local businessman and all-around good citizen wrote, “When you attack the Democratic Party because it’s not living up to your expectations you’re also...


Temperatures will be great this week, but get the rain suits out. That’s what my Dallas girls, Vanessa and Ivy did in May. They’ve been...

Ice ribbons and frost flowers

I looked out in my backyard this morning, December 7, and once again, as has been the case for the first hard freezes since...

The Nature of Eureka: From Nemesis to Narcissus

Ah, the beauty of jonquils, daffodils, and narcissus, all of which in various forms grace the edge of Eureka Springs sidewalks for this week,...

Dropping a Line

Stripers on Beaver Lake have all pretty well moved up here in the north end of the lake. Anglers who were catching in the...

Free Parking

Our country’s national debt is about $21 trillion; the total amount of money in the United States today is about $1.7 trillion. In the...