The Coffee Table

No Place Like Home? I fell in love with the Oregon Coast last October. Even when the sun wasn’t shining. When it was windy. Spitting rain. A bit...


One sure thing we can say about people is that we are quick to realize our mistakes. For instance, in the late 1400s seafarers found...


Years ago we took off for a Willie concert in Little Rock but ended up in Texas. It was because one of us had...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 21-27

The Wesak Festival, Buddha Full Moon Risa - Many years ago in the early 1970s I encountered an article in an alternative paper with symbols...

The Coffee Table

Vocabulary Diet   My son and I swap notes about things we’ve appreciated on Netflix. I’d rather not waste my time sampling undesirable shows, so I lean...

The Coffee Table

Call Now! On my recent trip to the Oregon coast, I stayed in Airbnbs and walked the water’s edge daily. I ate seafood that was fresh caught—no...

The Coffee Table

Color Me Human The first words a new mother hears are “It’s a boy!” or “It’s a girl!”  At that instant, something clicks in the...

The Dirt on Nicky

Chickweed in the news! “Hi. I’m that chickweed plant growing behind your cilantro. Call me Charles,” Charles said. “Many of my Stellaria relatives are already...

The Nature of Eureka

Where we walk For the most part, when you step outside and onto a rock surface natural to the Ozarks, you walk on sedimentary rock...

The Dirt on Nicky

End of spring report It was a fast-moving but enlightening spring, and it’s gone. What gerunds will we use in October to describe summer 2023?...