The Pursuit of Happiness

If you live long enough you’ll find there is rarely any new news. You’ve certainly read 50 stories about people getting hit by lighting,...

Esoteric Astrology April 6 – 13, 2016

  Aries New Moon – Supporting the Endeavors of the Serving Ones   The appearances of a full moon or the pale crescent moon inform us that...

The Nature of Eureka

The elusive Lady’s Slipper It was 40 years ago, June 1980, my first year in the Ozarks. One new botanist friend whom I accompanied that...

The Nature of Eureka

A smile for smilax You know these plants, and if you’re like most who live where they live, you may hate them. If you’ve ever...

The Nature of Eureka

An Arkansas Florilegium When I arrived in the Ozarks in December 1979 at age 22, one of the first tasks was to find books of...


When life is offering you everything you need, you still need an adventure. And that’s just what the Savage family from Dallas, Texas, did. They...


I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July spent with friends and family. We are truly blessed to be living in the land...

The Coffee Table

Oblivious Upbringings — Part II I was duped.   I spent my formative years watching my dad work on advanced degrees. He sometimes took me to “work” with...

The Nature of Eureka

Contrasting temperate with tropic Steven Foster - Eureka Springs today. Costa Rica yesterday. This time of year the contrast is not quite as dramatic as...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Aug. 17-24

Leo Wears a Lion’s Skin Each of the 12 Labors (zodiacal signs & Gates) of Hercules is a story about the Soul and the personality....