Dropping a Line

Robert Johnson - Clayton Davis from Derby, Kan., got a nice striper this week from Beaver Lake, caught freelining shad off a planer board....


John Rankine - Get your crotchet on and head this Saturday to Basin Park. Gina Gallina, who has already teased us with the crocheted...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 18-25

Gemini Festival of Humanity, World Invocation Day, Full Moon Risa - The Gemini Solar Festival of Goodwill, of Humanity, and World Invocation Day occurs Saturday,...

How money can cost too much

Becky Gillette - Few things give more peace of mind that having enough money to put a roof over your head, groceries on the...

The Nature of Eureka

Bee here now Steven Foster - With a sneeze and annoying avoidance to scratch itchy eyes, my mind is abuzz with new appreciation for pollen...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Krotz - I walked into the Exxon Station on Passion Play Road wearing my customary face, the one announcing that I’ve just walked...

Dropping a Line

Robert Johnson - Local angler Jacob Holloway got one for the wall this last week. This big striper came at the end of our...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

During a girls’ night out the subject of self-pleasuring came up. I’m uncomfortable with the topic and I’ve never done it so I just...

Art Attack

John Rankine - I had a grand time playing Grand Marshal in Saturday’s Artrageous parade with the lovely Lilah Stiger at my side and...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 11-18

Preparing for the Gemini Festival of Humanity Risa - The Gemini Festival of Humanity occurs Saturday, May 21. I am writing about it ahead of...