American Insights

The Meaning of the Declaration The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his...


I hope everybody had a safe and happy holiday weekend. There was some very bad weather, and I heard so many stories about tent...


It has come to our attention that people – friends, the employed, numerous heads-of-state – ordinary people with hormones, dualities, peer pressure and simple...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A young woman in Romania wants to be my special friend and will send me special photographs. A Nigerian attorney informs me that $10,000,000...

The Dirt on Nicky

Pontificating Did you ever notice how some folks will provide a quick answer for what’s right and wrong about everything? There are verities which apply...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 21 – 27, 2023

Summer Begins The Sun in Gemini shifts into Cancer Wednesday, June 21, and summer 2023 begins. Poised at the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun...

Dropping a Line

Boy, really getting this one in late. Had a wheel bearing go on the boat trailer. That has a lot to do with fishing,...

The Coffee Table

Legislators in La La Land It was 1968. She was fourteen. She had sex, for the very first time, with her one and only boyfriend. He wore...


There is a power to prayer. We believe that because so many people have claimed that prayer saved them from death, foreclosure, tornadoes or...


FAYETTEVILLE – On Feb. 23, 2018, Arkansas’ coaching staff hosted arguably the most impressive group of recruits that had ever been on the Hogs’...