The Dirt on Nicky

Melons among us Oblong or spherical but never square, melons are one of the ways nature expresses herself. My relatives in Calhoun County in the...

The Coffee Table

On Children This week I’ve been struggling with my command of English. How does a parent introduce her grown children? “Let me introduce my children…” No. They aren’t children. Likewise,...

The Dirt on Nicky

A bit of snow and cold It was 12° when I first went outside, but I suspected it would stampede toward 20° by noon. Perfect...

The Nature of Eureka

"Tastes like Wild Hickory Nuts" Waiting for last Saturday's Volkswagen Parade – that largest, longest, and most diverse of Eureka Springs parades – scheduled for...

The Nature of Eureka

Honey Locust As we wait for spring, a leaf, a flower, any real sign that winter is behind us, I am reminded that there’s still...


I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July spent with friends and family. We are truly blessed to be living in the land...


Maybe we don’t think enough about thinking, but we do know enough not to get in our own way. International media that we’ve seen has...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

A long-time friend invited me and my wife to a sex party. I was surprised to say the least. We’re interested but have no...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dorothy Day, a founder of the Catholic Worker movement and its monthly newspaper, The Catholic Worker, is the subject of a new biography written...

The Coffee Table

Deviled Eggs The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that embryos are children. If you destroy a human embryo, you’ve murdered a child.  Now the Alabama governor has...