Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 27 – April 2, 2024

Story Written in the Heavens – Easter, Resurrection, Mercury Retrogrades There is a story written in the heavens which has a definite relation to humanity’s...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

Notice: ­Sexual victimization plagues humanity. That’s not what this column is about. “Suzi-Homemaker” describes me well, but sometimes during sex with my husband I feel...

Having REEL Fun

Another week and another big fish. Custom Adventures team member Richard Lee Rusher took his good friend Vince McCurdy out to explore new options...

Free Parking

The two young men were terrified. They were in the midst of a hostile crowd and were being pelted with epitaphs, slurs and debris....

The Dirt on Nicky

How ripe are your melons? As a barefoot youth, my second cousin and I would get up early, roam his father’s acres of melons, choose...


How many times have you put friends on fish? “Stand here. Cast there. Reel at this speed. I’ll be ready with the camera.” Cast – nothing....

The Pursuit of Happiness

We’ve heard the advice “Think globally, shop locally.” It’s good advice, but who applies it to politics? In the last election, everyone had an...

The Dirt on Nicky

What I did on my snowcation Because I could not go to Nunavut, it kindly came to me. Two below when I awoke with ice...

The Pursuit of Happiness

People can drive you crazy. I know a guy who has later-stage diabetes but refuses to do anything about it. He’s starting to look...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Donald Trump may be among all things a blessing. Scales have been removed from our eyes; institutions are naked in the public square, and...