Dropping a Line

Smiles is what it’s all about and maybe a little laughing, too. That’s what the Preston Family had Saturday. We caught these fish within...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Politicians of both parties – and lots of voters – want to argue whether the glass is half full or half empty. They don’t...


FAYETTEVILLE – Last week was a good one for Chad Morris and the Arkansas Razorbacks. Three of the Hogs' top targets committed to the...

Free Parking

“We will take America without firing a shot…we do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” Nikita Krushchev,...

Dropping a Line

Got into a school of schoolies and got our winter meat taking a couple friends out this week. These Strikers are what we call...

Dropping a Line

Summer is for the young. They wait all year for that last bell to ring to head to the fishing and swimming hole.  Lilly and...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Actuaries say I have fewer than 10 years to live. That’s based on the odds rather than on any pressing health problem. I’m not...

Free Parking

The world is watching spellbound as Trump enacts a script from Nazi playbooks. Republicons and private prison owners, along with “I’m just following orders”...


FAYETTEVILLE – Starting in 2018, the NCAA’s summer recruiting dead period increased from a week and-a-half to a full four weeks, but that doesn’t...

Dropping a Line

Trevor Nathan from Johannesburg, South Africa, came a long way to see what a striper looks like this week. He was really here for...