The Coffee Table

The Meaning of Life Maybe we “woke liberals” have it all wrong. Basically, we just want everybody to get along and be fair. You know, Black lives...


One hilarious thing we try to do every day is not get in our own way. Sounds easy enough, but who among us hasn’t...

The Nature of Eureka

What design of nature or serendipitous evolutionary event could create a flower of such unusual beauty? Best to describe it in religious terms –...

The Dirt on Nicky

October is the kindest month It’s time to take down tangled spent vines with crinkled leaves and add them to the pile with tall dead...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 7 – 13

Second Advent Candle – the Light in Nature Last week we lit our first Advent candle, the candle of Hope called the Prophecy Candle that...

The Dirt on Nicky

All about arugula Umberto the gardener whispered to himself about how loose the soil was, and easy to work. His hands were dirty and his...

For the Health of It

The five-minute ultimate workout Two exercises elicit the protest, “I can’t do that!” from students/clients. Ability isn’t the biggest obstacle, rather insecurity. These two highly effective...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A friend expresses astonishment and chagrin that someone he knows and apparently likes supports Donald Trump. “How could you,” he said, “support an obvious...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 14 – 20

Gifts, Signs & Winter’s Solstice Light We are still in the time of shopping for gifts in these days before Hanukkah and Christmas. It’s important...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Most people are sensitive to their environment and learn that it is changeable, fragile, and within our power to ruin. We prefer a clean...