Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 8 – 14

Gemini Festival of Humanity, World Invocation Day & Flag Day The New Group of World Servers prepares together this week for next Tuesday’s (June 14)...

The Pursuit of Happiness

One thing Robert Mueller’s report conclusively proves is that the American people are exhausted by politicians who won’t do anything except investigate each other....


Did you know that a Denver Post editorial last week apologized for Colorado’s U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert implying that Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 24 – 30, 2023

Gemini Light Beams, Rule of Law & the Language of the Heart We are under the light beams of Gemini, now. Gemini, the 3rd...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Aug. 30 – Sept 7, 2023

Virgo, Daily Life, Livingness, Building the New World Virgo is the sign of daily life and of pure livingness. It is the sign of...

Dropping a Line

Well it’s now April 15. Snagging season for spoonbill below the dam opens today. You need a fishing license plus a trout stamp to...

The Dirt on Nicky

Time to sing a rain song Missions to Mars search for signs of life – in other words, water. Roots on a rocky hillside in...


Women could carry this election and look good doing it. (Please, please, Elizabeth, don’t drop out of the race five minutes after this goes to...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 25- June 1

Mercury Direct, Mars Remains Retrograde Risa - With Mercury now moving forward we begin a new three-month cycle of information gathering. The purpose of Mercury...

The Coffee Table

Recognizing the Mule My phone rang. I looked at the caller-ID. It said, “Fraudulent Call,” and showed an unfamiliar phone number. I didn’t answer. But I got...